AmigaSoc UK
S h a r e w a r e
Welcome to the AmigaSoc shareware registration pages. Hopefully we'll be able to explain to you exactly what we're hoping to acheive with our Shareware registration program, and how you can help us.

Quite simply we want to make it easier for people to register Amiga shareware programs, especially those people who don't have a credit card or an internet connection.

We plan to visit all future Amiga shows (finances permitting) and sell pre-arranged licensed keys or fully registered versions of popular shareware programs. Additionally we intend on using our relationships with UK usergroup to enable group registration of software through your local usergroup. Obviously in order to do this we need co-opperation from the authors of the shareware programs. In return we will collect the name and address of everyone who registers each program, and send them, along with the money to the shareware author.

AmigaSoc do not plan to make a profit from this venture. Obviously we will need to generate some money to cover costs, such as distribution media and stands at exibitions, however we hope this can be covered by adding a small admin fee (not more than 50 pence per program) to each program registered. In addition we will probably be able to set a maximum admin fee for people registering a number of shareware titles in one go.

Please get in contact with us on the following email address if you are a shareware author who wants to discuss letting AmigaSoc help collect registrations or you simply want to let us know about a piece of shareware you think is worth registering. We'll then contact the author (so please tell us his email address if you know it) and tell them about our shareware scheme. If you have any questions about this scheme please read the FAQ at the end of this page, or contact us

Below is a list of the shareware titles that you can register through AmigaSoc, or directly online. As more titles become available they will be added to this list, If online regisration is shown as "yes", you can click on the link and go directly to the registration page

Title Online registration Register via AmigaSoc
ManiacBall, Diamond Caves I & Diamond Caves IINoYes
PhotoAlbum & CyberShowNoYes
Star Trek: A Call To ArmsNoYes
Virus checker IIYesYes
Webplug, Mapplug & TablePlugNoYes
Vapor (Voyager, AmIrc, Amftp etc)YesNo
Serious BackgammonYesNo
Serious Solitare 1 and 2YesNo
Serious Solitaire 1YesNo
Serious Solitare 2 YesNo
UltraAccounts (for Amiga)YesNo
SViewII PPC modulesYesNo
akJFIF/akPNG bundleYesNo
SViewII, akPNG/akJFIF bundleYesNo
Amiga: PNG-Box (68k/PPC)YesNo
SViewII,akPNG/akJFIF,PNG-Box bundleYesNo
SViewII+PPC,akPNG/akJFIF,PNG-Box bundleYesNo
KidHTML easy home page makerYesNo
SViewII, akPNG/JFIF/TIFF bundleYesNo
SViewII, akPNG/JFIF/TIFF, PNG-Box bundleYesNo
SViewII + PPC, akPNG/JFIF/TIFF, PNG-Box bundleYesNo
akJFIF/PNG/TIFF bundleYesNo
WebVision for AmigaYesNo
ASP Scripting PackageYesNo
ImagineV5-V6 updateYesNo
NewYork Newsreader V1->V2 upgradeYesNo
ClassAct -Shareware LicenseYesNo
ClassAct - Commercial LicenseYesNo
Voodoo EmailerYesNo
WebManager ProYesNo
Visual BorderYesNo
Visual LogoYesNo
Visual PuzzleYesNo
SpellText - Enterprise EditionYesNo
Image EngineerYesNo
Visual Border & Visual Logo + Visual PuzzleYesNo


Why are you doing this?: Because we believe in the Amiga. The Amiga always had a strong shareware tradition, however the Amiga market is getting smaller. With the dwindling commercial market it would be a real blow to the Amiga if the shareware market dried up as well. Hopefully by starting this scheme we can encourage people to register shareware programs they use, and thus encourage more authors to keep developing their software.

Where can I buy this shareware from?: You can still register any shareware directly with the author (see the individual software documentation for details). The AmigaSoc shareware scheme will be selling registrations at most UK Amiga Shows, and as many overseas shows as we can afford to attend. In addition we are planning on periodically approaching usergroups to enable them to purchase titles.

I can't see a shareware title I want to register on your list. Why aren't you selling it?: There are two possible reasons.
1) There are a large number of shareware programs out there, we simply haven't heard of the programs or contacted the author yet.
2) The author of the software in question does not wish to participate in our scheme.

Can I buy this software over the Internet?: Yes, all the items marked with online registration.

I am a shareware author, but I generate my keyfiles based on the name and email address of the person buying the keyfile. How can I participate in your scheme?: Currently there are 3 ways for us to help you sell your shareware.
1) You can give us access to your keyfile generator! Obviously this is the best option from our point of view, however we realise that many authors will be reluctant to do this.
2) You can provide us with a number of "generic" keyfiles registered to AmigaSoc. We will sell these on, and then provide you with the details of who they were sold to.
3) We can take the payment at the show, and then you will be responsible for delivering the keyfile to the purchaser at a later date.
Please note that whilst we have encluded option 3) we do not feel it is a suitable solution. The whole idea of the scheme is that people can purchase shareware at shows, then and there. If they are expected to part with money, and then not receive a keyfile for days/weeks that will put many people off.

A note to shareware authors: Please don't hesitate in contacting us, even if you feel that you can not fit into the above scheme. We are very flexible, and we're sure we can find a way for selling your program for you in a way that you find satisfactory.